failure 513:

Requirement failed: {strptime.06.25;strptime.06.01;strptime.06.29} The following conversion specifications are supported
trace /var/opt/lsb/test/olver-core/2013-01-21_10-20-40/util_format_time_scenario.utz (util_format_time_scenario.utt), line 48504
scenario util_format_time_scenario
specification function strptime_spec()
parameter value  CallContext context = [pid=18679,thr=b75516c0]
parameter value  CString * @buf = 0 Mon 2007
parameter value  CString * buf = 0 Mon 2007
parameter value  CString * @format = %W %a %Y
parameter value  CString * format = %W %a %Y
parameter value  TmT * @timeptr = struct TmT { tm_sec=0, tm_min=0, tm_hour=0, tm_mday=1, tm_mon=0, tm_year=0, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=0, tm_isdst=0, tm_gmtoff=0, tm_zone=<NULL> }
parameter value  TmT * timeptr = struct TmT { tm_sec=0, tm_min=0, tm_hour=0, tm_mday=-6, tm_mon=-1, tm_year=107, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=-7, tm_isdst=0, tm_gmtoff=0, tm_zone=<NULL> }
parameter value  TmTAnsw * @corrRes = <0xa0d9d0c>ptr to struct TmTAnsw { bSec=0, bMin=0, bHour=0, bMDay=0, bMon=0, bYear=1, bWDay=0, bYDay=1, bIsDst=0, Error=0, tm_sec=0, tm_min=0, tm_hour=0, tm_mday=0, tm_mon=0, tm_year=107, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=0, tm_isdst=0, reqs=<0x9d512cc>ptr to ; }
parameter value  TmTAnsw * corrRes = <0xa0d9d0c>ptr to struct TmTAnsw { bSec=0, bMin=0, bHour=0, bMDay=0, bMon=0, bYear=1, bWDay=0, bYDay=1, bIsDst=0, Error=0, tm_sec=0, tm_min=0, tm_hour=0, tm_mday=0, tm_mon=0, tm_year=107, tm_wday=0, tm_yday=0, tm_isdst=0, reqs=<0x9d512cc>ptr to ; }
return value  (CString *) empty
& branch
The only branch
REQ failed strptime.06.01
REQ failed strptime.06.25
REQ failed strptime.06.29
similar known bug(s)
The char *strptime(const char *restrict buf, const char *restrict format, struct tm *restrict tm); function shall convert the character string pointed to by buf to values which are stored in the tm structure pointed to by tm, using the format specified by format. The <time.h> header shall declare the structure tm, which shall include at least the following members: int tm_sec Seconds [0,60]. int tm_min Minutes [0,59]. int tm_hour Hour [0,23]. int tm_mday Day of month [1,31]. int tm_mon Month of year [0,11]. int tm_year Years since 1900. int tm_wday Day of week [0,6] (Sunday =0). int tm_yday Day of year [0,365]. int tm_isdst Daylight Savings flag. Function strptime can not rigth work with some input data. If buf = "0 Sun 2006" and format = "%U %a %Y" then strptime must find first Sunday in first week (Sunday as the first day of the week) 2006 year. 2006 year begins with Sunday. But after call to strptime tm.tm_yday = -7. if buf = "0 Mon 2007" and format = "%W %a %Y" then strptime must find first Monday in first week (Monday as the first day of the week) 2007 year. 2007 year begins with Monday. But after call to strptime tm.tm_yday = -7. Additional information about this bug may be found at